Title: Festival of Fear: Under the Big Top Drabbles 1
Published by: Black Ink Fiction
Release Date: 30th October 2021
Contributors: Multiple Authors
Genre: Horror
ISBN13: 9798757057491
Published by: Black Ink Fiction
Release Date: 30th October 2021
Contributors: Multiple Authors
Genre: Horror
ISBN13: 9798757057491
My Story Title(s): 'Carnivore of Death'
Everyone loves when a good festival or carnival rolls into town. The fun sounds, lights, games, rides...the greasy fair food. But what happens when the carnival becomes a thing of nightmares? Killer carnies, mirror mazes that trap you forever, ride malfunctions and food so good...it kills.
Join us on this ride of terror as 60+ international authors thrill you with tales that will be sure to make you turn down that funnel cake at the next carnival.
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